12-21-16 NOPH

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WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 21, 2016, AT 1:00pm

You are hereby notified that the items listed below will be considered with action taken by the Carson City Planning Commission beginning at 1:00 p.m. on WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 21, 2016 in the Sierra Room of the Community Center, 851 East William Street, Carson City, Nevada.

MISC-16-184 For Possible Action:
To make a recommendation to the Board of Supervisors regarding an ordinance to place a moratorium, for a period of up to 180 days with the ability to extend it by resolution for up to an additional 60 days, on the acceptance and processing of planning or other applications for construction or operation of Marijuana Establishments as contemplated by the Regulation and Taxation of Marijuana Act passed by Nevada voters during the general election on November 8, 2016. (Lee Plemel)

Summary: The Regulation and Taxation of Marijuana Act, the Act to legalize recreational marijuana, was passed by Nevada voters during the general election on November 8, 2016. The deadline for preparation of final regulations by the Nevada Department of Taxation (“Department”) is December 31, 2017. Until the final promulgation of such regulations, the Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors will not have a complete picture to facilitate a decision regarding zoning regulations for Marijuana Establishments beyond what is currently in place for Medical Marijuana Establishments. Applications pertinent to Marijuana Establishments would be prohibited during the moratorium, allowing City staff, the Planning Commission and the Board of Supervisors time to evaluate the implications of the Department’s regulations and consider other impacts related to the regulation or prohibition of Marijuana Establishments within the framework of State Law. This moratorium would not apply to Medical Marijuana Establishments with valid provisional certificates wishing to operate under the current Medical Marijuana Establishment regulations in Carson City as of the effective date of the ordinance.

SUP-16-181* For Possible Action: To consider request from Carson Nugget (property owner: Adams Carson LLC) for a Special Use Permit to allow placement of two metal storage containers in the Downtown Mixed-Use (DTMU) zoning district, on property located at 405 & 495 East Spear St., APNs 004-223-06 & -07. (Kathe Green)

Summary: The applicant is seeking the permanent placement of metal storage containers on property in the Downtown Mixed-Use zoning district.

SUP-16-182* For Possible Action: To consider a request for a Special Use Permit from Dalbir & Gurjeet Singh (property owner: Dalbir & Gurjeet Singh) to allow single family residential use in the Retail Commercial (RC) zoning district, on property located at 3140 East Nye Lane, APN: 008-191-08. (Kathe Green)

Summary: A use of a building as a residential use in the Retail Commercial zoning district is a conditional use, and may only be established upon issuance of a special use permit. The applicant is proposing to modify the use of an existing building from commercial to residential. No expansion of the size of the building is proposed.

ZCA-16-189 For Possible Action:
To make a recommendation to the Board of Supervisors regarding an ordinance amending Title 18, Appendix, Carson City Development Standards, by amending Division 4, Signs, Chapter 4.4, Administration, Section 4.4.7, Exemptions, by adding thereto a new subsection, 4.4.7.x, which exempts from the Division certain off-premise electronic message display signs; amending Title 18, Appendix, Carson City Development Standards, by amending Division 4, Signs, Chapter 4.6, General Regulations And Standards, by adding a new section 4.6.6 that sets forth standards for electronic message display signs; and addressing other matters properly relating thereto. (Lee Plemel)

Summary: The proposed ordinance would allow a community college, state college or university within the Nevada System of Higher Education to place an off-premise sign on an arterial road within a certain distance from the applicable institution. The ordinance would also establish regulations for electronic message display signs relating to sign brightness and message transitions. The proposed regulations follow the International Sign Association standards for brightness and have been implemented on several signs recently through Special Use Permit reviews, including for the new Community Center sign on East William Street.