07-01-10 Agenda with Supporting Materials

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Day:         Thursday
Date:        July 1, 2010
Time:       Beginning at 8:30 a.m.
Location: Community Center, Sierra Room
                851 East William Street
                Carson City, Nevada


1. Call to Order - Board of Supervisors
2. Roll Call
3. Invocation - Fr. Chuck Durante, St. Teresa's Catholic Family
4. Pledge of Allegiance
5. Action on Approval of Minutes - June 3, 2010
6. Adoption of Agenda
7. Public Comments and Discussion:
The public is invited at this time to comment on and discuss any item not on the agenda that is relevant to, or within the authority of, the Carson City Board of Supervisors, the Carson City Liquor and Entertainment Board, the Carson City Redevelopment Authority and the Carson City Board of Health. No action may be taken on a matter raised under this item of the agenda until the matter itself has been specifically included on an agenda as an item upon which action will be taken. Public comment during individual agenda items will be taken on the item at the time the item is called for hearing.

8. Special Presentation

A) Presentation of a Certificate of Recognition to Uriah Wise for her heroic act to save a fellow employee who was choking. (Andy Burnham & Stacey Giomi)

B) Presentation of a proclamation for Lake Tahoe Basin Wildfire Awareness Week, July 3 - 11, 2010. (Stacey Giomi)

9. Consent Agenda

All matters listed under the consent agenda are considered routine and may be acted upon by the Board of Supervisors with one action and without an extensive hearing. Any member of the Board or any citizen may request that an item be taken from the consent agenda, discussed and acted upon separately during this meeting. The Mayor, or the Mayor Pro-Tem, retains discretion in deciding whether or not an item will be pulled off the consent agenda.

9-1. Assessor

A) Action to approve the removal of the taxes and penalties from the unsecured 2007/08 tax roll per NRS 361.5607 in the amount of $1,693.84. (Dave Dawley)

Staff Summary: The Assessor's Office is requesting the Board of Supervisors to remove those taxes deemed uncollectible from the personal property taxes tax rolls. The Assessor's Office has attempted to collect the taxes using the approved methods under NRS 361.535 and 361.450. Most businesses have moved the personal property and we are unable to locate them. These taxes will result in a decrease for the 2007/08 fiscal year.

B) Annual report of the Carson City Assessor per NRS 250.085. (Dave Dawley)

Staff Summary: The Nevada Legislature created a fund in the 2003 legislative session for the acquisition and improvement of technology in the office of the county assessor (NRS 250.085). This fund is similar to the Recorder's fund already established. It may be used to enhance technology within the Assessor's Office or at the Assessor's discretion, may be shared with other departments to help enhance their ability to share information between the departments.

9-2. Public Works - Engineering

A) Action to approve Dedication of Land for Public Right-of-Way Purposes from property owner Sierra Land Development, Inc. to Carson City for 254 square feet, which amounts to the entirety of APN 007-581-11, for Silver Oak Drive. (Jeff Sharp)

Staff Summary: This area was offered for dedication on the final map for Siena at Silver Oak Phase 19 recorded in March of 2007. It was intended for Silver Oak Drive. The acceptance by the Board of Supervisors will result in City ownership of said area for Silver Oak Drive right-of-way purposes.

B) Action to approve Dedication of Land for Public Right-of-Way Purposes from property owner Carson City to Carson City for 3,300 square feet, which amounts to the entirety of APN 007-461-33, for Silver Oak Drive. (Jeff Sharp)

Staff Summary: This parcel was gifted to Carson City by Gold Lock Corporation (Allan G. Fiegehen, President) in 2004 for the purpose of a public roadway. The acceptance of this action for dedication by the Board of Supervisors will result in this City owned parcel of land becoming part of the right-of-way for Silver Oak Drive.

9-3. Health and Human Services

A) Action to accept a sub-grant award in the amount of $72,270 from the Nevada Department of Health and Human Services, Ryan White CARE Act Program, Bureau of Child, Family and Community Wellness, for funds to support Ryan White Part B clients in Carson City, Douglas, and Lyon Counties. (Marena Works)

Staff Summary: This grant will be used to support our HIV Services Coordinator to provide non-medical case management, outreach, and intervention support services to HIV positive clients in Carson City, Douglas and Lyon County areas.

B) Action to accept a sub-grant award in the amount of $75,000 from the Nevada Department of Health and Human Services, Tobacco Education and Prevention Program, Bureau of Child, Family and Community Wellness, for funds to support tobacco prevention and education activities in Carson City, Douglas, and Lyon Counties. (Marena Works)

Staff Summary: This grant will be used to support our Public Health Program Specialist to provide tobacco education and prevention programs to youth and adults in Carson City, Douglas and Lyon County.

C) Action to accept an addition to sub-grant award FY2009 ASPR H1N1 in the amount of $49,110 from the Nevada Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Preparedness, Bureau of Health Planning and Statistics, for funds necessary for our mobile medical facility in Carson City and other emergency items in Carson City, Douglas, and Lyon Counties. (Marena Works)

Staff Summary: This grant is supplemental funding to be used for support supplies for the mobile medical facility and supplies related to emergency response and care of victims of Mass Casualty Incidents in Carson City, Douglas and Lyon County areas.

D) Action to accept a grant award in the amount of $32,000 from the Carson Water Subconservancy District for mosquito control along the Carson River within Carson City limits. (Marena Works)

Staff Summary: This grant is supplemental funding to be used to perform activities for mosquito control along the Carson River. During the mosquito season our focus is on the Carson River corridor, including the oxbows that form and the small pooling water that occurs in and around the banks of the river.

9-4. Human Resources

Action to adopt an "Amendment to the Collective Bargaining Agreement between Carson City and the Carson City Fire Fighters Association, Local #2251 of the International Association of Fire Fighters dated July 1, 2010 to June 30, 2014." (Melanie Bruketta)

Staff Summary: The Carson City Fire Fighters Association asked that Article 29 of the current Collective Bargaining Agreement be amended to allow Battalion Chiefs who held the position of Captain within the Carson City Fire Department to bump back into the Association if they are laid-off due to lack of work or lack of funds.

9-5. Purchasing and Contracts

A) Action to authorize Risk Management to utilize RFP #1737 Occupational Health Services Contract for the purchase of Occupational Health Services through ARC Health & Wellness which RFP #1737 was approved by the State of Nevada Board of Examiners and which is exempt from competitive bidding pursuant to NRS 332.115 subsection 1(m) and NRS 332.195 for a not to exceed contract amount of $199,000.00 to be funded from various budgets as provided for in the FY 2010 2011 (File No. 0910-225). (Sandy Scott-Fisher)

Staff Summary: ARC Health and Wellness Center was awarded the Occupational Health Services Contract RFP 1737 through June 2015 by the State of Nevada Board of Examiners to provide Occupational Health Services needs. ARC will serve Carson City agencies by providing for Heart and Lung Physicals and various Occupational Health Services. ARC will primarily provide Heart and Lung Physicals and various other occupational health to the City of Carson at their local office located at 2874 North Carson Street, Ste 135.

B) Action to determine that Contract No. 0910-226 is a contract for items which may only be contracted from a sole source and therefore not suitable for public bidding pursuant to NRS 332.115 and to approve Contract No. 0910-226 a request for the purchase of ALTOSID® mosquito larvicide products from Clarke Mosquito Control for a not to exceed cost of $100,000.00 to be funded from the Professional Services Mosquito Abatement Fund as provided in FY 2009/2010. (Sandy Scott-Fisher)

Staff Summary: Carson City Health and Human Services (CCHHS) mosquito control program currently operates April through September, encompassing many sites throughout the Eagle Valley, including the Carson River from south of the prison to Deer Run Bridge. Mosquito control is an important and basic public health function. CCHHS believes to reduce the impact on the ecosystem it is prudent to target at the larval stage, rather than at the adult stage of the mosquito. CCHHS uses a narrow spectrum larvicide applied at appropriate times based on field surveillance.

Central Life Sciences is the sole manufacturer of ALTOSID® mosquito larvicide and products and markets directly to all U.S. end users via Agency Agreement. The agreement allows Central Life Sciences to sell direct to end-user public agencies through five authorized agent companies. Competitively bidding this purchase would yield the same pricing results.

C) Action to determine that Contract No. 1011-046 is a contract for professional services and therefore not suitable for public bidding pursuant to NRS 332.115 and to approve Contract No. 1011-046, a request for professional services to be provided by Physician Select Management, LLC through June 30, 2011, for a not to exceed cost of $140,000.00 to be funded from the Professional Services Account in Health and Human Services Fund as provided in FY 2010/2011. (Sandy Scott -Fisher)

Staff Summary: Vendor will provide qualified physicians, nurse practitioners or physician=s assistants who are licensed in the State of Nevada to provide medical services for all persons in the custody of the Carson City Sheriff and the Carson City Regional Juvenile Detention Center. A contact person will be available from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm every day of the year, including City recognized holidays.

D) Action to determine that Contract No. 1011-047 is a contract for professional services and therefore not suitable for public bidding pursuant to NRS 332.115 and to approve Contract No. 1011-047 a request for professional services to be provided by Physician Select Management, LLC for a not to exceed cost of $155,000.00 to be funded from the Nursing Grant/Title X as provided in FY 2010/2011. (Sandy Scott-Fisher)

Staff Summary: Physician Select Management, LLC will provide clinical services, by appointment, as well as walk-in availability a minimum of four (4) clinical workdays, totaling a minimum of thirty-two (32) hours per week, or as mutually agreed upon by both parties.

9-6. Finance

Action to adopt a resolution to levy the Carson City Fiscal Year 2010-11 Ad Valorem Tax Rate subject to certification by the Nevada Tax Commission. (Nick Providenti)

Staff Summary: By law, the Board of Supervisors sets the Carson City Tax Rate once per year after the Nevada Tax Commission certifies the tax rates. This resolution sets the tax rate as approved in the Board of Supervisors and Redevelopment Authority budget hearings as well as setting the local rate for other governing bodies.

9-7. City Manager

Action to appoint Jim Davis to the Advisory Board to Manage Wildlife for a three year term that expires July 2013. (Larry Werner)

Staff Summary: There is one opening to be filled on the Advisory Board to Manage Wildlife due to an existing member's term expiring. The Advisory Board recommends appointment of Jim Davis to a three year term to expire July 2013. There were two applicants for this position.

9-8. Public Works

Action to approve the Right-of-Way Grant Renewal (NVN 013400) between the United States Department of Interior Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and Carson City for an Amendment which will allow Carson to construct a three million gallon water tank and related facilities (Prison Hill Water Tank #2) on BLM property. (Mark Brethauer)

Staff Summary: The primary purpose of this amendment is to provide Carson City the access necessary to construct the Prison Hill Water Tank #2 facilities. Carson City has received a grant from the Department of the Army for the construction of the Water Tank and this amendment will allow the City's contractor to work on BLM property.

(End of Consent Agenda)

Ordinances, Resolutions, and Other Items

10. Any item(s) pulled from the Consent Agenda will be heard at this time.

11. Clerk - Recorder

Action to appoint R.C. Alexander and Tom Keeton to the committee to prepare an argument advocating approval by the voters of a School Bond Question, numbered CC1 and further action to appoint the Clerk-Recorder who in consultation with the District Attorney shall prepare an argument opposing approval of the Question. (Alan Glover)

Staff Summary: The Carson City Clerk published notice in the Nevada Appeal on June 9 and 16 and placed the notice on the City website asking for volunteers to serve on the committees to write the arguments for and against the school bond question that will be on the November 2, 2010 General Election ballot. Two people submitted applications to be on the committee in support, there were no applications for persons in opposition. Therefore the Clerk and the District Attorney, per NRS 295.121(6), will prepare an argument opposing approval of the questions by the voters.

12. Human Resources

A) Action to adopt the 2010-2014 Collective Bargaining Agreement between Carson City and the Carson City Sheriff's Supervisory Association on behalf of the Carson City Sheriff's Sergeants. (Melanie Bruketta)

Staff Summary: City staff approached the Sheriff's Sergeants and asked if they would be willing to freeze their 5% contract adjustment due July 1st in order to meet the financial needs of the City due to economic losses that have occurred over the past few years. The City and the Sheriff's Sergeants were successful in reaching a four year Agreement that will assist the City in meeting its current budgetary requirements.

B) Action to adopt the 2010-2014 Collective Bargaining Agreement between Carson City and the Carson City Deputy Sheriffs Association on behalf of the Carson City Sheriff's Deputies. (Melanie Bruketta)

Staff Summary: City staff approached the Sheriff's Deputies and asked if they would be willing to freeze their 3% contract adjustment due July 1st in order to meet the financial needs of the City due to economic losses that have occurred over the past few years. The City and the Sheriff's Deputies were successful in reaching a four year Agreement that will assist the City in meeting its current budgetary requirements.

13. Public Works - Planning and Zoning

Action to adopt a Resolution amending the maximum number of residential building permit allocations under the Carson City Growth Management ordinance for the years 2011 and 2012 and estimating the maximum number of residential building permits for the years 2013 and 2014; establishing the number of residential building permit allocations available within the development and general property owner categories; and establishing a maximum average daily water usage for commercial and industrial building permits as a threshold for Growth Management Commission review. (GM-10-022) (Lee Plemel)

Summary: The Board of Supervisors is required to annually establish the number of residential permits that will be available for the following calendar year. This has historically been based upon a maximum growth rate of three percent. The commercial and industrial daily water usage threshold has historically been 7,500 gallons per day, above which Growth Management Commission approval is required.

14. Finance

A) Action to introduce, on first reading, an ordinance of the Board of Supervisors of Carson City, Nevada designated by the short title "2010E Water Bond Ordinance"; providing for the issuance of its general obligation (limited tax) water bond (additionally secured by pledged revenues), series 2010E; providing the form, terms and conditions of the bond; providing for the levy and collection of annual general (ad valorem) taxes for the payment of such bond; additionally securing its payment by a pledge of revenues derived from the water system of the City; and providing other matters relating thereto. (Nick Providenti)

Staff Summary: The City Charter provides that the City may borrow money to acquire, improve, equip, operate and maintain a water project and for such purpose may issue bonds or other securities, and the Board has determined and declared that the Project is a municipal purpose within the meaning of said Charter provisions.

B) Action to introduce, on first reading, an ordinance of the Board of Supervisors of Carson City, Nevada designated by the short title "2010F Sewer Bond Ordinance"; providing for the issuance of its general obligation (limited tax) sewer bond (additionally secured by pledged revenues), series 2010F; providing the form, terms and conditions of the bond; providing for the levy and collection of annual general (ad valorem) taxes for the payment of such bond; additionally securing its payment by a pledge of revenues derived from the sanitary sewer system of the City; and providing other matters relating thereto. (Nick Providenti)

Staff Summary: The City Charter provides that the City may borrow money to acquire, improve, equip, operate and maintain a sewer project and for such purpose may issue bonds or other securities, and the Board has determined and declared that the Project is a municipal purpose within the meaning of said Charter provisions.

15. City Manager

A) Action to approve an amendment to the Agreement to Provide Public, Educational and Governmental Access Programming between Carson City and Brewery Arts Center extending the term of the agreement through June 30, 2011. (Larry Werner)

Staff Summary: The current agreement with Brewery Arts Center (BAC) expires on June 30, 2010. This amendment provides for continued operation of our community access television stations through June 30, 2011.

B) Review of the Carson City Operations Scorecard and presentation of revised objectives and measures under the perspective titled "A Vibrant, Diverse and Sustainable Economy." (Linda Ritter)

Staff Summary: This item represents the monthly business review related to the City-wide performance scorecard. The strategic plan which the performance scorecard is based upon has not been updated in over one year. In order to accomplish an update and refine our measures and targets, staff is presenting each updated perspective in the strategic plan individually. After presentation of each perspective, staff will seek approval of the entire amended strategic plan. This review includes data up to May 31, 2010.

16. Recess as Board of Supervisors

Redevelopment Authority

17. Call to Order & Roll Call - Redevelopment Authority

18. Action on Approval of Minutes - June 3, 2010

19. Office of Business Development

Action to approve the proposed additions and revisions to the Redevelopment Authority Incentive Program's Lien and Agreement. (Joe McCarthy)

Staff Summary: The Lien and Agreement secures the performance of redevelopment incentive grants awarded by the Redevelopment Authority. The Lien and Agreement signed by the grant recipient secures the principal amount of the incentive and reduces the basis annually by equal amounts over a seven-year period. The additions and revisions to the current Lien and Agreement will now require the declining principal be suspended temporarily in cases when a property that has been awarded an incentive becomes vacant. The declining lien will resume once the property is occupied and producing tax revenues. The Lien and Agreement is further amended to ensure repayment of the remaining principal if any real property taxes, personal property taxes or lodging taxes are not current.

20. Action to Adjourn as the Redevelopment Authority

21. Reconvene as the Board of Supervisors

22. Public Works

Action to direct staff to proceed with negotiations with our regional neighbors for increasing the landfill waste stream and to proceed with negotiations with Recology for operation of the landfill and development of a phased waste recovery process to include a potential future waste to energy component.  (Andy Burnham)

Staff Summary: The Board will review waste management recovery possibilities for the Carson City Landfill. This action directs staff to further investigate working with our regional neighbors, Douglas County and South Lake Tahoe and others, for increasing the waste stream to the City landfill and to determine the feasibility and costs of waste recovery and to contract with Recology for operation of the landfill and a waste recovery facility which may include a future waste to energy component. There may be increased revenues for the general fund and the increased regional waste stream will mitigate the increased costs for waste recovery and waste to energy.



23. City Manager

Action to appoint three members to the Convention & Visitor's Bureau for two year terms that will expire in July 2012. (Larry Werner)

Staff Summary: NRS 244A.599 provides for the Board of Supervisors to appoint five representatives to the fair and recreation board, known as the Convention & Visitor's Bureau. There are three positions open due to existing members terms expiring. One representing the Hotel/Motel Operators, one representing Commercial Interests (other than Hotel/Motel) and one representing the Citizens-at-Large. There are six applicants.

24. Board of Supervisors

Non-Action Items:
Internal communications and administrative matters
Correspondence to the Board of Supervisors
Status reports and comments from the members of the Board
Staff comments and status report

25. Action to Adjourn

Copies of information related to the above items can be viewed at the reference desk at the Carson City Public Library.

Titles of agenda items are intended to identify specific matters. If you desire detailed information concerning any subject matter itemized within this agenda, you are encouraged to call the responsible agency or the City Manager's Office. You are encouraged to attend this meeting and participate by commenting on any agendized item.

Notice to persons with disabilities: Members of the public who are disabled and require special assistance or accommodations at the meeting are requested to notify the City Manager's Office in writing at 201 North Carson Street, Carson City, NV, 89701, or by calling (775)887-2100 at least 24 hours in advance.

This meeting can be viewed on Channel 226. For specific dates and times - www.bactv.org.

This notice has been posted at the following locations:
Community Center 851 East William Street
Public Safety Complex 885 East Musser Street
City Hall 201 North Carson Street
Carson City Library 900 North Roop Street
Date: June 24, 2010

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