12-21-06 Agenda with Supporting Materials

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Day:       Thursday
Date:      December 21, 2006
Time:     Beginning at 8:30 a.m.
Location: Community Center, Sierra Room
                851 East William Street
                Carson City, Nevada


Call to Order
Roll Call
Invocation - 
Elaine Morgan, Episcopal Diocese of Nevada
Pledge of Allegiance

Public Comments and Discussion: The public is invited at this time to comment on and discuss any item not on the agenda that is relevant to, or within the authority of, the Carson City Board of Supervisors, the Carson City Liquor and Entertainment Board and the Carson City Redevelopment Authority. No action may be taken on a matter raised under this item of the agenda until the matter itself has been specifically included on an agenda as an item upon which action will be taken. Public comment during individual agenda items will be taken on the item at the time the item is called for hearing.

1. Action on Approval of Minutes

2. Changes to the Agenda

3. Special Presentations

A) Introduction of Maxine Cortes, Court Administrator.

B) Presentation regarding the success of National Night Out.

Staff Summary: National Night Out was a huge success thanks to the assistance of several groups and agencies throughout our community.

4. Consent Agenda

All matters listed under the consent agenda are considered routine and may be acted upon by the Board of Supervisors with one action and without an extensive hearing. Any member of the Board or any citizen may request that an item be taken from the consent agenda, discussed and acted upon separately during this meeting.

4-1. Fire

Action to authorize the mayor to sign an Interlocal agreement between the city of Las Vegas and the city of Carson City and to accept the grant award of $52,762.55 provided for the Citizen Corp. program.

Staff Summary: In the most recent round of U.S. Department of Homeland Security grants money was awarded to various local governments who are responsible for state-wide program initiatives. This particular grant award is to promote the Citizen Corp Program and develop regional efforts to expand that program. The city of Las Vegas has the responsibility to coordinate this program statewide and has awarded Carson City this grant.

4-2. Purchasing and Contracts

Action to approve Contract No. 0607-057 a request for the purchase of WORKdirector and CALLdirector software plus prorated maintenance and annual security support from Cartêgraph Systems, Inc. for Fiscal Year 2006/2007 in the amount of $10,000 from the Streets Maintenance Fund, $10,000 from the Stormwater Drainage Fund, $10,000 from the Sewer Fund, and $10,000 from the Water Fund for a not to exceed total cost of $40,000 exempt from competitive bidding.

Staff Summary: Staff would like to purchase 10 user licenses of both WORKdirector and CALLdirector plus associated maintenance and annual security support from Cartêgraph Systems, Inc., 3600 Digital Drive, Dubuque, IA 52003 563-556-8120 FAX #563-556-8149. This purchase will allow additional staff members to utilize this software which has been in-house for more than 3 years.

4-3. Public Works

Action to approve and authorize the Mayor to sign a one year Water Lease Agreement between the Carson Water Subconservancy District and Carson City.

Staff Summary: The lease of Lost Lakes water rights for one year (fiscal year 2006-07) will help rest even more groundwater sources over the course of this winter, thereby indirectly assisting the recharging of groundwater supplies. There is enough capacity in the infiltration wells to be able to fully utilize both the Mud Lake and Lost Lakes water rights this winter.

4-4. Public Works - Contracts

A) Action to accept Public Works recommendation on the "Biddability and Constructability Review of the Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion" project, Contract# 2006-090, and authorize Public Works to issue payments to Harris and Associates, 1817 Moody Street, Suite 30, Carson City, Nevada, 89706, in the amount of $76,200 as provided for in Fiscal Year 2006/2007 from the WWTP Upgrade Phase 1A fund.

Staff Summary: This contract provides for a peer review of the plans and specifications for the Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion Project which is currently estimated to cost upwards of $19 million dollars. The review provides for evaluation of the plans and specifications to eliminate potential problems and to clarify issues with the complex project. It is a process recommended by the EPA to reduce overall costs and reduce exposure for construction claims.

B) Action to accept Public Works recommendation and accept the Contract issued for the Emergency Re-Drilling of Well #24 Project B Consultant Services, Contract # 2006-091, and authorize Public Works to issue payments to Aqua Hydrogeologic Consulting LLC, P.O. Box 18793, Reno, Nevada 89511, from the Production Wells Construction Account as provided for in FY 2006/2007, in the amount of $44,682.00 and a contingency amount not to exceed $4,400.00.

Staff Summary: Based on a video survey in November 2006, Well #24 has failed due to corrosion. This well is over 30 years old and was given to the City with the development of the Riverview Estates Subdivision. As a result of the failure, Well 24 must be re-drilled as it is critical during peak summer flow conditions. In order to have a producing well for the next irrigation season a new well must be installed and re-equipped. This process usually takes 18 to 24 months if we were to follow the normal bidding process. We are requesting that this contract be declared an emergency due to timing for implementing replacement by the next irrigation season.

C) Action to accept Public Works recommendation and accept the Contract issued for the Emergency Re-Drilling of Well #24 Project, Contract # 2006-093 and authorize Public Works to issue payments to WDC Exploration & Wells, 500 Main Street, Woodland, California 95695, from the Production Wells Construction Account as provided for in FY 2006/2007, in the amount of $273,100.00 and a contingency amount not to exceed $27,300.00.

Staff Summary: Based on a video survey in November 2006, Well # 24 has failed due to corrosion. This well is over 30 years old and was given to the City with the development of the Riverview Estates Subdivision. As a result of the failure, Well 24 must be re-drilled as it is critical during peak summer flow conditions. In order to have a producing well for the next irrigation season a new well must be installed and re-equipped. This process usually takes 18 to 24 months if we were to follow the normal bidding process. We are requesting that this contract be declared an emergency due to timing for implementing replacement by the next irrigation season.

4-5. City Manager

A) Action to reappoint two members to the Open Space Advisory Committee for four year terms expiring January 1, 2011.

Staff Summary: CCMC, Chapter 13.06.040 provides for a committee of seven members that serve staggered four year terms.

B) Action to reappoint Ernie Rink to the Carson River Advisory Committee for a three year term ending January, 2010.

Staff Summary: Resolution number 2000-R-20 reestablishes the Carson River Advisory Committee to consist of seven members appointed by the Board of Supervisors. There is one vacancy for property owner of less than 20 Acres; however, if a property owner does not come forward and a resident of, or within a reasonable proximity to, the Carson River Corridor applies for appointment to the Carson River Advisory Committee, the Board of Supervisors may consider their application on a case-by-case basis.

(End of Consent Agenda)

Approximate Time - 8:50 a.m.

Ordinances, Resolutions, and Other Items

5. Senator Mark Amodei

Presentation of legislative update and preview of 2007 legislative session.

6. Finance

Action to accept the Carson City Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2006.  Backup Materials --  Section 1     Section 2     Section 3     Section 4

Staff Summary: City staff and representatives from Kafoury, Armstrong and Co. will be making a presentation of the City's financial status as well as recommendations for improvement.

7. Public Works - Planning and Zoning

A) Report to the Board of Supervisors and possible action to direct staff regarding possible amendments to the Carson City Municipal Code Title 18, Chapter 18.16, Development Standards, Division 4, Signs relating to commercial signs and off-premise signs (billboards) on private property along the freeway corridor, including discussion regarding height and size regulations, and other matters properly related thereto. (File ZCA 06-102)

Staff Summary: The Carson City Master Plan identifies the potential need for specific regulations for signs along the freeway. Based upon discussion with the Planning Commission that included potential freeway-oriented sign regulations, the Planning Commission and city staff recommend no changes to the current sign ordinance at this time. The current sign ordinance requires a Special Use Permit for signs that exceed the permitted sign area, sign height (currently 20 feet for single commercial uses and 30 feet for shopping centers) and number of freestanding signs. The current sign ordinance also prohibits billboards along the freeway. The Board of Supervisors may provide further direction to staff regarding these matters.

B) Action to introduce, on first reading, an ordinance amending the Carson City Municipal Code Title 18, Zoning, Chapter 18.12.055, Obtaining a Building Permit, requiring the payment of utility connection fees at either submittal of building plans or at the issuance of building permit, and other matters properly related thereto. (File ZCA-06-207)

Staff Summary: This revision to the Growth Management section of Title 18 would allow payment of utility hookup fees and the growth management fee at either submittal of building plans or issuance of building permit.

C) Action to introduce, on first reading, an ordinance changing the zoning of property located at 1400 and 1410 Koontz Lane, APNs 009-331-21 and -22, from Single Family One Acre (SF1A) to Single Family 21,000 (SF21), and others matters properly related thereto. (File ZMA-06-190) 

Staff Summary: Approval of the Zoning Map Amendment application would change the zoning to allow the property to be subdivided to a minimum lot size of 21,000 square feet (approximately 2 acre).

D) Presentation of the Carson City Master Plan Annual Report and recommendations from the Planning Commission regarding the implementation of the Carson City Master Plan. (File MPA-06-212)

Staff Summary: NRS 278.190 states that the Planning Commission shall annually make recommendations to the Board of Supervisors regarding the implementation of the City's Master Plan. The Board of Supervisors may consider these recommendations for setting goals and priorities for the City and various City departments in 2007.      

E) Action to approve a Tentative Planned Unit Development application known as Mills Landing from Capital Engineering (property owner: DGD Development & MSB Properties) to allow a mixed use development on approximately 10.14 acres resulting in 94 single family dwelling units on approximately 7.7 acres and a Commercial/Retail development on approximately 2.4 acres with associated Variances to allow a reduction in the 30 foot minimum building setback from an adjacent residential zoning district to vary from 20 foot driveway requirement, PUD periphery setbacks and related parking variances from city requirements and a Special Use Permit request to allow residential uses in General Commercial (GC) zoning district in addition to model homes, temporary sales office and associated flags/flagpoles and associated zone change on property zoned General Commercial (GC), located at 1208 E. William Street and State Street, APN(s) 002-441-21 and 002-441-23. (File TPUD-06-202)  Backup Materials -- Section 1     Section 2      Section 3     
                                                                Section 4    Section 5

Staff Summary: The Tentative Planned Map is for the proposed Planned Unit Development known as Mills Landing. The request would allow subdivision of two parcels into 94 residential lots on 7.7 acres and a Commercial/Retail development of 2.4 acres, with approximately 30% of open space totaling 3.0 acres on a 10.14 acre site, north of William Street and west of State Street.

F) Action to approve a Tentative Common Open Space Subdivision Map Application known as Summer Hawk from Capitol Engineering (property owner: Stanton Park Development and Hansler, LLC) to allow construction of 201 residential units on approximately 75 acres with approximately 473 acres in open space totaling approximately 548 acres on property zoned Conservation Reserve (CR)/Single Family 12,000 (SF 12) and to allow a lot size reduction from the Conservation Reserve (CR) and Single Family 12,000 (SF12) standards to an 8,000 square foot minimum lot size, in addition to a reduction in setback/lot width standards. This development is located approximately 1,030 feet west of the intersection of Rhodes and South Curry Street APNs 009-021-02, 009-031-01, 02, 07, and 009-151-01. (File TSM-06-203)  Backup Materials --  Section 1      Section 2
      Section 3   Section 4     Section 5      Section 6       Section 7

Staff Summary: The Tentative Subdivision Map is for the proposed common open space development known as Summer Hawk. The request would allow subdivision of five parcels into 201 residential lots with approximately 473 acres as parkland and open space totaling 548.2 acres, approximately 1,030 feet west of Rhodes Street/Curry Street intersection.



8. City Manager

A) Action to approve an Agreement to Extend Cable Franchise with Falcon Cable Systems II, L.P., locally known as Charter Communications, for a period of five (5) years.

Staff Summary: The franchise agreement that was approved in 1987 expired on July 7, 2002. The City is currently working under the old and outdated agreement. This agreement extends the current franchise for an additional five (5) years.

B) Action to introduce, on first reading, an ordinance repealing Carson City Municipal Code Title 5 Public Utility Franchises and Requirements, Chapter 5.19 Cable Systems which regulates the occupancy and use of public ways by cable systems and provides for the establishment of customer service standards and other matters properly related thereto.

Staff Summary: Currently, Carson City has a cable systems regulatory ordinance which governs Charter Communications, Inc. and any other cable television provider who enters the Carson City market. Per the Agreement to Extend Cable Franchise dated December 21, 2006, the City has agreed to repeal the ordinance in its entirety.

C) Action to adopt a resolution in support of the Carson City, Nevada, application for Investment Assistance to the U.S. Economic Development Administration for funding for the reconstruction of Curry Street from Lake Glen Drive to Koontz Lane.

Staff Summary: The purpose of this item by Public Works is to show support of the application for Investment Assistance to the U.S. Economic Development Administration for the purpose of reconstructing Curry Street for the purpose of improving the neighborhood for future economic development.

D) Update regarding acquisition of the reversionary interests of the Bureau of Land Management immediately south of Highway 50 adjacent to land now occupied by Centennial Park. 

Staff Summary: On June 1, 2006, the matter regarding encroachment of a private business onto property previously obtained through the Bureau of Land Management Recreation and Public Purpose process was discussed by the Board of Supervisors. The Board directed staff to resolve the issue and return with an update in six months. The resolution of the issue will require that the City obtain the property from the BLM. Currently, the property is going through the BLM appraisal process. The appraiser has been selected and he is awaiting a Record of Survey from Carson City in order to proceed. Staff is hopeful that this acquisition can take place within the next six months.

E) Action to appoint two members to the Regional Transportation Commission. One to fill a two year term to expire December 31, 2008 and one to fill a partial term to expire December 31, 2007.

Staff Summary: NRS Chapter 373.040 and CCMC 11.20.030 provide for the creation and organization of a five member Regional Street and Highway Commission. Staggered two year terms are served by two members of the Board of Supervisors and three representatives of the city at large. There is one vacancy to be filled on the Regional Transportation Commission due to a term expiring and one vacancy due to a resignation. Members of the RTC also serve on the Carson Area Metropolitan Planning Organization.

F) Review of the City Managers performance for the period December 1, 2005 through December 1, 2006.

Staff Summary: Each year the Board of Supervisors are asked to evaluate the performance of the City Manager. The City Manager welcomes feedback and looks forward to hearing recommendations for improvement. No salary adjustments are being proposed as part of this review.

9. Board of Supervisors

Non-Action Items:
Internal communications and administrative matters
Correspondence to the Board of Supervisors
Status reports and comments from the members of the Board
Staff comments and status report

10. Action to Adjourn

Copies of information related to the above items can be viewed at the reference desk at the Carson City Public Library.

Titles of agenda items are intended to identify specific matters. If you desire detailed information concerning any subject matter itemized within this agenda, you are encouraged to call the responsible agency or the City Manager's Office. You are encouraged to attend this meeting and participate by commenting on any agendized item.

"Notice to persons with disabilities: Members of the public who are disabled and require special assistance or accommodations at the meeting are requested to notify the City Manager's Office in writing at 201 North Carson Street, Carson City, NV, 89701, or by calling (775)887-2100 at least 24 hours in advance."

This meeting can be viewed on Channel 26. For specific dates and times - www.bactv.org.

This notice has been posted at the following locations:
Community Center - 851 East William Street
Public Safety Complex - 885 East Musser Street
City Hall - 201 North Carson Street
Carson City Library - 900 North Roop Street
Date:  December 14, 2006

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